Monday, January 18, 2010

Our New House

We bought a new house this year! Since Fischer came along... (and all of things that he came with!) we've been anxious to find a bigger house in the country. This is about 4 miles south of Medford. Pete's excited about easy access to the golf course, and I'm of course more excited about being near the airport. Ellie is in heaven with lots of room to run and an overabundance of birds to chase. Fischer is looking forward to having a swingset this summer!

Here was the kitchen....

Here is the kitchen. I think it's gonna be a while til we move in!

More Birthday Weekend Fun

We took Fischer to the pool for his birthday - he still loves the water!

You have to see an old version of a similar picture to really appreciate that last picture - Same place, same swimming trunks, but this one was taken on Father's Day 2009:

Fischer and Uncle Sean hung out eating ice cream while Aunt Alli recovered from her lasik eye surgery.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 11, 2010: Fischer's 1st Birthday!!

Everyone warned us that this first year with Fischer would go fast, but WOW. I didn't know it would go by that fast!! He's a ton of fun right now - learning new tricks every day, and quite the little copy cat. He hasn't started walking yet, but we haven't tried to rush that either.... that will happen soon enough!!

Fischer's 1st Christmas