Friday, November 5, 2010

Airplane Room

Soon Fischer will be moving out of the nursery and into his big boy room! He has a great view of the airport, so it only made sense to have an airplane theme.... his mom may have had a little influence here too:)
Ashley Dassow, a very talented young artist (and new employee at the eye clinic) finished this mural yesterday. It turned out awesome... it's perfect... even the pictures don't do it justice! Fischer loves it, but I'm not sure he realizes yet that it's his room!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


"Benjamin Button" was mistaken by many for a truck driver.... or an old man with a beer gut.... or a bum on the street. But he had a lot of fun, and we got many laughs out of his costume. By the end of the parade he actually laid down on the street and dozed off.....

Cow Ride

Fischer had his first pony ride at Harvest Days in Medford. He refuses to acknowledge any difference between horses and cows.... when we explained that this is a pony he says "NO, COW!"