Friday, November 5, 2010

Airplane Room

Soon Fischer will be moving out of the nursery and into his big boy room! He has a great view of the airport, so it only made sense to have an airplane theme.... his mom may have had a little influence here too:)
Ashley Dassow, a very talented young artist (and new employee at the eye clinic) finished this mural yesterday. It turned out awesome... it's perfect... even the pictures don't do it justice! Fischer loves it, but I'm not sure he realizes yet that it's his room!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


"Benjamin Button" was mistaken by many for a truck driver.... or an old man with a beer gut.... or a bum on the street. But he had a lot of fun, and we got many laughs out of his costume. By the end of the parade he actually laid down on the street and dozed off.....

Cow Ride

Fischer had his first pony ride at Harvest Days in Medford. He refuses to acknowledge any difference between horses and cows.... when we explained that this is a pony he says "NO, COW!"

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Week on the Farm!

Pete & I have had a crazy week or so with work, meetings, conferences, etc, so Fischer got to stay at Grandma & Grandpa's for the last 9 nine days.... He came home with lots of new words (Combine, corn, and wagon... go figure!) The boy loves the farm... couldn't get enough of the tractors, 4-wheeler, cows, etc.....

Fischer missed his Dad while he was gone... he's been on him like a little woodtick all night..

Fischer had to show Dad his new combine right away...

pizza-face kiss


yep.... 100% boy :)

September 2010

Labor Day Weekend at 3 Bears Lodge

Finally friends :)

August 2010

Swimming at Strama's

Three Lakes, WI with the Edwards family
wearing Dad's boots

July 2010

Taylor County Fair

Fischer's 1st haircut at the barber shop

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Andrew "Drew" Martin Ebert

1st let's avoid any confusion.... Fischer does NOT have a brother... this is his new cousin!!

Drew surprised all of us when he arrived 5 weeks early on July 10th. Mom and baby are doing very well... and his Dad finally made it home to meet him! Sean was in Hawaii when this all went down, so Alli delivered their 1st born with their neighbors and (thankfully) very good friends.

Andrew Martin Ebert 5lbs 9 oz, 16 inches

From Sean on Monday:
"Since he missed the Hawaii trip, he is currently enjoying a private beach party in his little tanning bed. He's got a bit of jaundice and he forgets to breathe sometimes, so he will probably be in the hospital for about another week. On the bright side, the oxygen, feeding tubes, and IVs have been removed and he seems to be doing well."

Congrats to Sean & Al!!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Soooooo close!

Other than a few odds and ends, like the backsplash, obviously... we have a functional kitchen!! Barstools and living room furniture will be here on Monday. Beds are coming on Friday, dining room table is ordered... so hopefully it will start feeling like home soon!! Better pictures to come when we finish the details!! Oh, and here's the stained glass vanity... still waiting on the mirror - should be done this week...

4th of July

We decided last-minute to get away over the 4th of July for a little shopping trip - mostly to get away from our mess! We left Saturday for the cities, and Sunday we went to the Mall of America and let Fischer (and Pete) ride a few rides at the amusement park....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Our work in progress....

I promised a few people a picture of our new kitchen. The countertops are the holdup at this point. With Pete being back to work, it's been impossible to get anywhere to get them picked out. If we ever get a rainy Monday we need to run to Minneapolis where we'll have a wider selection than other local places. The first floor of the house is mostly done.. all of the flooring is in and the trim is on. My stained glass vanity by Kathy Heier turned out beautiful - I'm hoping to have it by next week, so I'll be sure to post a picture as soon as it's installed. The upstairs is all painted, and the carpet will go in hopefully next week. We're stalling on the upstairs bathrooms until our current home sells. So, anyway.... my patience runs thin some days... but we're getting there, and so far we're loving the changes we've made to make this our home. We'll be showing our house tomorrow and again next week, so keep your fingers crossed for us that it sells so we can wrap this next project up in a hurry!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day at the Great Wolf Lodge - WI Dells

Mother's Day was great this year! We spent the night at the Great Wolf Lodge in a condo with Dave, Tori, and Josie. The kids (including Pete & Dave) had a blast at the waterpark... and we "moms" enjoyed many laughs watching them! Fischer was so worn out when we left he fell asleep less than a mile down the road and snored the whole way home. Thanks to the boys for planning such a great weekend for our families!!

16 month photos by Lynn Hamland

The Wedding Reception

A couple weeks after we returned home Jimmy & Karie had their wedding reception at the Veranda in Medford. We had a blast.... sent Fischer home early and reminded ourselves what it was like to be 22 again! ... and Sunday morning we were glad that we only stay out past midnight about once a year now! Shary and Neil were here for the reception also, so Fischer had a lot of fun with his sweet friend Lyla.