Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Our work in progress....

I promised a few people a picture of our new kitchen. The countertops are the holdup at this point. With Pete being back to work, it's been impossible to get anywhere to get them picked out. If we ever get a rainy Monday we need to run to Minneapolis where we'll have a wider selection than other local places. The first floor of the house is mostly done.. all of the flooring is in and the trim is on. My stained glass vanity by Kathy Heier turned out beautiful - I'm hoping to have it by next week, so I'll be sure to post a picture as soon as it's installed. The upstairs is all painted, and the carpet will go in hopefully next week. We're stalling on the upstairs bathrooms until our current home sells. So, anyway.... my patience runs thin some days... but we're getting there, and so far we're loving the changes we've made to make this our home. We'll be showing our house tomorrow and again next week, so keep your fingers crossed for us that it sells so we can wrap this next project up in a hurry!!!

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